Updated aviation meteograms launched For pilots, paragliders, meteorologists, the thermal forecast, Stueve and Sounding Meteograms have been upgraded. Read on
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Temperature (°F) | 64° 64° | 63° 63° | 64° 64° | 64° 64° | 63° 63° | 62° 62° | 61° 61° | 60° 60° | |
Temperature felt (°F) | 64° | 62° | 63° | 64° | 63° | 61° | 61° | 60° | |
Wind direction | ENE | ENE | ENE | ENE | ENE | ENE | ENE | NE | |
Wind speed (mph) | ENE 8-15 8-15 | ENE 9-16 9-16 | ENE 9-17 9-17 | ENE 10-19 10-19 | ENE 10-18 10-18 | ENE 8-16 8-16 | ENE 6-12 6-12 | NE 5-11 5-11 | |
Precipitation (in/3h) | < 0.04 in 65% < 0.04 | 0.11 in 65% 0.11 | 0.05 in 65% 0.05 | - 25% - | < 0.04 in 25% < 0.04 | < 0.04 in 25% < 0.04 | < 0.04 in 25% < 0.04 | - 5% - | |
Precipitation probability | 65% | 65% | 65% | 25% | 25% | 25% | 25% | 5% | |
Precipitation hourly | 00:00 to 01:00: 01:00 to 02:00: 02:00 to 03:00: | 03:00 to 04:00: 04:00 to 05:00: 05:00 to 06:00: | 06:00 to 07:00: 07:00 to 08:00: 08:00 to 09:00: | 09:00 to 10:00: 10:00 to 11:00: 11:00 to 12:00: | 12:00 to 13:00: 13:00 to 14:00: 14:00 to 15:00: | 15:00 to 16:00: 16:00 to 17:00: 17:00 to 18:00: | 18:00 to 19:00: 19:00 to 20:00: 20:00 to 21:00: | 21:00 to 22:00: 22:00 to 23:00: 23:00 to 00:00: | |
rainSPOT Precipitation distribution within 20 km |
1h view
Hourly view
The weather forecast has medium predictability. Compare different forecasts with MultiModel.
Weather report for New Jersey
Night and day it will be cloudy and rainy. The sun will not be visible. The chance of precipitation is moderate or near 50%. Temperatures as high as 65 °F are foreseen. On Sunday a gentle breeze is expected (8 to 12 mph). Winds blowing overnight from Northeast and by day from East. The weather forecast for New Jersey for Sunday can be accurate in parts but deviations are expected. Check again for latest updates.
UV 1
▲ 06:51
▼ 18:44
▲ 03:41
▼ 17:36
Pressure: 1014 hPa
Timezone: EDT (UTC -04:00h)
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Radar and precipitation nowcast, United States
Very Heavy
The location marker is placed on New Jersey. This animation shows the precipitation radar for the selected time range, as well as a 1h forecast. Orange crosses indicate lightning. Data provided by (available in USA, Europe, Australia). Drizzle or light snow fall might be invisible for the radar. Precipitation intensity is colour coded, ranging from turquoise to red.
Hourly weather forecast for New Jersey
Our 5-day meteogram for New Jersey offers all weather information in 3 simple graphs: [More]
- Temperature chart with weather pictograms. The yellow background indicates daylight.
- Clouds in different altitudes: from few clouds (light grey) to overcast (dark grey). Dark blue bars show hourly precipitation and light blue showers. An asterisk indicates snow fall.
- Forecasts for wind speeds are blue and for gusts are green. The arrowheads point in the same direction as the wind.
You can embed this meteogram into your own website with the following HTML code. In doing so, you agree to our non-commercial use conditions.
Live satellite map, United States
The location marker is placed on New Jersey. [More]
The real-time satellite image combines visible light during daytime with infrared radiation during nighttime. At night, the image is not dark as infrared radiation can detect temperature differences. Unfortunately, low clouds and fog are difficult to distinguish from ground temperatures and thus can be almost invisible during the night. Meteosat satellite images for Europe are updated in real-time every 5 minutes. GOES-16/GOES-17 (North & South America) and Himawari (Asia) images update every 10 minutes.
Precipitation is estimated from radar and satellites. Precipitation estimates from satellites are less accurate at night than during daytime.
© 2024 meteoblue, NOAA Satellites GOES-16 and EUMETSAT. Lightning data provided by nowcast.
Updated aviation meteograms launched For pilots, paragliders, meteorologists, the thermal forecast, Stueve and Sounding Meteograms have been upgraded. Read onWeather for popular places around New Jersey
- Philadelphia 67 °F / 63 °F
- Staten Island 63 °F / 60 °F
- Trenton 64 °F / 61 °F
- Toms River 67 °F / 63 °F
- Camden 67 °F / 64 °F
- New Brunswick 64 °F / 60 °F
- East Brunswick 63 °F / 59 °F
- Somerville 64 °F / 61 °F
- Freehold 63 °F / 60 °F
- Mount Holly 66 °F / 60 °F
- Woodbury 68 °F / 62 °F
- Flemington 65 °F / 59 °F